Are you in the process of a divorce in Buffalo and have questions? Read these 4 divorce tips for guidance, then call our attorney today.
1) Equitable Distribution
Everything does not get divided equally among the two parties
- Assets that are acquired during the course of a marriage are considered to be marital assets
- If you receive a gift or inheritance during the marriage, it will not qualify for Equitable Distribution
- A home, personal property, investments, and savings accounts will split these between the parties during a divorce
- Pensions, 401k plans, and retirement benefits entitles you to a percentage of these assets, depending on how long you were married, and how long you were involved in the investment
- The division of assets can typically be worked through between the two parties rather easily
2) Grounds For Divorce
- Your attorney can get a party divorced, based on the irretrievable breakdown of the marriage
- One member of the party has to indicate that the marriage has been irretrievably broken for at least 6 months
- Fault will only be a factor in your divorce under extreme conditions
3) No-Fault Divorce
- The grounds for divorce are primarily Irretrievable Breakdown of Marriage.
- One of the parties must believe that the marriage was broken at least 6 months prior to the proceedings.
- In short term marriages, another form of divorce will most likely need to be used.
4) Uncontested Divorce
- An uncontested divorce is often a much cheaper form of divorce.
- In an uncontested divorce, the parties are able to communicate with one another, in terms of separating their assets.
- These agreements can be documented in writing to be used at a later time.
Are you going through the divorce process and need legal help? After checking out these 4 divorce tips as guidance, contact our Buffalo Divorce Lawyer, Randy Gugino, to schedule a consultation and case evaluation and get started on your case today.
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